The New World Order Read online

  Bug Out!


  Book 2

  The New World Order

  Robert Boren

  South Bay Press

  Copyright © 2019 by Robert Boren.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Book Layout ©2017

  Cover Design:

  Bug Out! Atlantic Book 2/ Robert Boren. -- 1st ed.

  For Anna

  There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal.

  ―F. A. Hayek


  Previously – in Bug Out! Atlantic Book 1





  Bunker Siege



  Social Media

  The Blockbuster

  Senate President



  State Authority





  Cast of Characters

  Other Books by Robert Boren

  Previously – in Bug Out! Atlantic Book 1

  As book 1 opened, Taylor Yates got caught up in a demonstration at Columbus Circle in Manhattan, getting arrested for hate speech after an altercation with two leftist radicals.

  John Clancy was enjoying retired life in his Valley Forge home, spending his time writing fiction. He discussed the proposed Social Scoring laws with his wife Linda. Her sister Pat took the new law seriously, and wanted her husband Craig to retire from his job due to his commute, which would give them a bad score.

  Jacob Timmons was helping to organize a resistance group in Boston. His friends gathered, and they discussed the use of work/residential grids in their state to force zero commute laws. They named their group the Sons of Liberty. The owner of the Bow Street Pub, an Estonian named Jaak, let them use a room above the bar as a meeting space.

  In Manhattan, Stefan, husband of Albena, was following up on rumors about a false-flag attack with his small team of hackers. He discussed the rumors with Penko.

  Taylor met Eve in jail, both arrested for hate speech. They struck up a friendship.

  Mayor Fine of New York City had a meeting with his staff, in which he fired Yvette, the police commissioner, when she suggested the hate speech law should be selectively enforced based on political orientation.

  Albena dove into the rumors about the false flag attack online, finding intel pointing to a series of attacks. Stefan joined her, saying he’d also been looking into the rumors. Albena told him she’d found connections to the UN on message boards. Stefan admitted he’d found similar comments on the dark web and the UN Headquarters Network. That shocked Albena, Stefan trying to calm her down, saying the UN documents he’d seen were very vague, making it easy to draw the wrong conclusions. Stefan suggested that Albena try hacking into the UN email system to look for verification.

  Taylor, Eve, and the other prisoners arrested for hate speech were brought into court together. The judge dropped the charges on all cases, stating that the Court of Appeals was stacked up with people convicted under the law, and that it was likely the Hate Speech law was unconstitutional. There was a limo waiting for Eve outside the courthouse, the Chauffeur telling her that she had the limo for the entire day, and that Taylor could go along too. Jared Carlson sent the limo. Eve worked for him as a patent attorney, and was a former girlfriend. After the limo took off, Jared placed a video call to Eve. Eve wanted to go to her building to mess with the people who had her arrested. Jared told her to go ahead, and that there were two pepper spray canisters in the cabinet next to the bar. Jared said the protesters were Marxist agitators, paid to be there, and that attacks on the country were about to happen. Eve and Taylor were alarmed. Jared said to stay away from New York Harbor, and invited them to join the resistance, telling them to think about it overnight.

  Jaak was busy cleaning out the upstairs room for the Sons of Liberty when Jared called him, and they discussed the state of enemy actions in California and Texas. Jared promised weapons, prototype vehicles, and supplies.

  Eve and Taylor got to Eve’s building, finding the demonstrators there in force. The person who fingered Eve wasn’t there, but the two women who’d accused Taylor were, one of them directing traffic again. When they saw that Taylor was out of jail, they went into a rage, rushing the limo. Taylor shot them both with pepper spray. One of the women pulled out a gun and started shooting, blinded by the pepper spray. She hit a police officer. Other officers killed both women as the limo sped away.

  John Clancy got up in the middle of the night and started work on a new fiction series about the current political climate. Linda came in, asking what he was doing. He explained it to her, and she got worried about him being de-platformed.

  Mayor Fine called an emergency meeting after the shootings in front of Eve’s building. NYPD Chief Harvey attended, since the police commissioner had been fired the day before. The Mayor directed Chief Harvey to enforce laws against protesters directing traffic and harassing citizens on the street. Cliff Bates pushed back hard, making inflammatory comments. Mayor Fine fired him. Cliff left in a huff, vowing to fight the dismissal. As the meeting ended, news of the passenger jet shot down in San Diego reached them.

  Taylor and Eve rode the subway back to Manhattan later in the evening, vowing to keep their friendship going. They told each other they were joining Jared’s resistance team. Taylor got back to her apartment and took a shower, hearing a bump. She got a threatening phone call after she finished her shower, and then found a dead cat in her fridge.

  Albena was having trouble breaking into the UN email system. Penko suggested that he could dress up like a courier and go to the UN with a fake delivery. He had contacts there from prior visits, and would try to gather names of network administrators.

  Riots broke out all over New York City after the NYPD started arresting protesters for blocking streets and directing traffic. It was overwhelming the department. The National Guard was needed, but Governor Romano wasn’t taking calls from Mayor Fine after he fired Cliff Bates. Mayor Fine sent the Governor a telegram, telling him that if anything bad happened in New York City, he’d go public with the fact that the Governor wasn’t cooperating because of a political dispute. This worked, the angry Governor calling right away. They hammered out an agreement after Mayor Fine told the governor why Yvette and Cliff were fired.

  Jared Carlson called Taylor, asking if she’d decided on the resistance team. Taylor said she would join, and told him about the dead cat in her apartment. Jared said he’d send a team to install a security system the next day, and that he wanted a conference call with her and Eve on that day as well.

  Mateo and Charles Livingston discussed the prosecutions of demonstrators in Manhattan. The fines were more than Charles wanted to pay, so he demanded t
hat Mateo talk to Mayor Fine to get them reduced or waived. Since Mateo and Cliff Bates were allies, Mateo wasn’t anxious to negotiate with Mayor Fine. Charles talked him into it.

  Taylor spent the night at Laleh’s apartment, after city officials shut the subway down to slow the rioting. Taylor told Laleh about the limo ride and the shootings. Then she told her about Jared Carlson’s resistance team. Laleh wanted to join, so Taylor called Jared and asked. Jared knew Laleh’s father because of work he’d don with Mahdavi Pharmaceuticals, her family’s company. Jared agreed.

  Albena’s cousin Vasil visited from Florida. He told Albena, Stefan, and Penko about a resistance team his boss was putting together, and asked if they were interested. He wouldn’t say who his boss was, but his family knew he was a Samson Corporation employee. They planned to attend a meeting the next day with others in the resistance team.

  Taylor and Laleh were attacked on the subway by two radical women, but they turned the tables. Two security men came, arresting the radicals, telling them that the Mayor was no longer forcing them to look the other way when radicals attacked citizens. When Taylor and Laleh got to Taylor’s apartment, she found her bedsheets covered in blood, with a note saying “I’m gonna get you.”

  Mayor Fine was working at his City Hall office on Saturday morning. Chief Harvey showed up, and they talked about a meeting Mateo had requested. Chief Harvey also brought up that he was hearing chatter about a terror attack. He didn’t think much about it, but then an informant he trusted called the department and said a dirty bomb or worse would be floated into New York Harbor and detonated. Mayor Fine was alarmed, Chief Harvey telling him that there were detectives working it. As Chief Harvey was getting ready to leave, there was an explosion outside. Then protesters were rushing into the area, and somebody shot out the Mayor’s office window. Chief Harvey returned fire. Police cars arrived, but were hit with a Molotov Cocktail as the gunfire ramped up. Mayor Fine told Chief Harvey about the armory on that floor, and they rushed to it, grabbing M4s, shot guns, and a couple M60s. As they got back to the office, the protesters were firing AK-47s at the police. The Mayor and Chief picked up the M60s and fired, hitting one of the protesters as he was about to toss a grenade at police. The leftists tried to flee, but were shot by police and National Guard troops. The Chief was told that about half the officers ordered to the scene refused to come. The Mayor ordered Chief Harvey to fire them.

  The security team at Taylors apartment found two video cameras. They removed them and set up her security.

  Craig and Pat came over to John and Linda’s house for a visit. Craig told John that he’d written a piece about the Social Scoring law, which had just gotten enough state senate votes to pass. The editor of the Valley Forge Beacon was interested in his article. While they were talking, Craig got a call from the paper, saying they’d put is article in the evening edition. Linda and Pat came in the room, hearing Craig say he was a published author. Pat wasn’t happy when Craig told her about it, fearing his political statements would get them into trouble.

  Stefan and Vasil got the room above the coffee shop ready for the resistance meeting. Eve, Laleh, and Taylor arrived, Penko leading them upstairs. Jared Carlson joined via video link. Jared told them that the USA would be attacked within the week, and told them about the planned nuclear attacks in various harbors around the nation. They discussed the UN being behind the plans, to get the carnage started and then come to the rescue with UN Peacekeepers and Martial Law. Jared shared the reasons behind the attacks—Globalists were trying to stamp out national sovereignty of nations once and for all, so they could more easily control the world. Jared said the globalists approached him to help, and that many wealthy business owners were being recruited. Stefan questioned the idea, asking why leftists would side with multi-national corporations. Jared told him that the fear of climate change would be used as the reason for the destruction of national sovereignty. Stefan asked Jared what was in it for the Samson Corporation, to which Jared replied he wanted a free world to exist in. Eve noted that if Western Civilization were to collapse, there would be chaos and world-wide starvation. The meeting broke up when rioters started up the street.

  Jacob and Ava were in the Bow Street Pub when a mob of students came down the street, throwing a rock through a window by the door. They continued down the street, doing the same to other buildings. Jacob went outside to follow them. He met Sunshine, who was also following the students, recording comments into her phone. They struck up a conversation as they walked, finding that they agreed on a lot, and made plans to have coffee and chat.

  Penko dressed like a courier and rode his bike to UN Headquarters, using is fake ID to get past the guard shack. He ran into an acquaintance in the IT department and let him know he was looking for work, having experience as the email admin for NYU in prior years. His friend let him take a picture of the list of admins with his phone. Penko did his phony delivery and left, seeing UN vans leaving the headquarters as he rode his bike west on 43rd Street.

  Mayor Fine was feeling the heat after the shootout at City Hall. The status meeting was scheduled, Kate and Julio arriving on time. None of the Borough Presidents showed up, so Mayor Fine had Jean call them. She did that, telling the Mayor that they were all on strike due to his violent response to the protesters. The Mayor considered firing them all, but was talked out of it by Julio and Kate. They had a brief meeting, Julio bringing up the concern of some citizens that there were too many UN vans cruising around. He checked via the city’s video surveillance system and found the citizens to be correct about the uptick in presence. After the meeting, Mayor Fine took a call from Mateo, who offered to provide UN Peacekeepers to replace the National Guard. Mayor Fine politely refused.

  Back at the room above the coffee shop, Albena got the list of names from Penko and started working the hack of the UN email system, gaining entrance quickly. Stefan arrived, telling them he had a source in the NYPD telling him about the AK-47s at the City Hall attack, and the increase in patrols around New York Harbor. He told Albena he was going to talk to his old friends at the Longshoreman’s Union Hall.

  Sunshine and Jacob had coffee and talked about the current situation, relating it to the rise of Marxism and Nazism, finding a lot of agreement. Sunshine told Jacob about her resistance team, and they made plans to visit each other’s groups, to see if there was synergy.

  The resistance meeting was held, Jared explaining the situation. Stefan was skeptical and asked a lot of questions, but they made a preliminary agreement to go forward.

  Eve, Taylor, and Laleh got back to Taylor’s apartment after the resistance meeting. The security system was set up, and there were micro-thin phones waiting for each of them on the counter. Laleh opened hers first and was guided through the setup. Jared Carlson called her, asking for Taylor to activate her phone so she could check out its interaction with the security system. Taylor did that, seeing one of her neighbors named Clarence trying to pick the lock, and being knocked out by an electrical shock. He woke up and ran away. Jared told her about the security features, and added that the phones were satellite phones that would still work if a nuke were to go off in New York Harbor. Taylor told Jared which unit Clarence was in, and Jared said he’d sent Cary around to investigate.

  Stefan went to the ILA Union hall, finding a friend from his Longshoreman days there. His name was Julie. They talked, Julie telling Stefan that they were hearing bad rumors, and that about a third of the union members had taken vacation for the next couple weeks. Stefan asked what the rumors were. Julie replied a nuke or dirty bomb attack in the harbor. Stefan asked Julie why he was still there. Julie told him he had pancreatic cancer, and his wife had Alzheimer’s. He offered to help Stefan find the bomb and stop it.

  Cary slipped into the ground floor of Taylor’s building after midnight, going into the utility room. He found that Taylor wasn’t the only person bugged in the building. There were two other units being surveilled, the wires leading into Clarence’s box
for Unit 1. He sent his boss a text about it, his boss saying to fry the perp’s electrical system. Cary pulled a black box out of his toolbox and did that, slipping out before Clarence could get to the utility room.

  Stefan came home late that night, finding Albena still working. She’d downloaded hundreds of thousands of UN emails, and was getting ready to search them. Stefan told her what he’d learned at the Union hall. Taylor started searching through the emails the next morning. Stefan said he’d get her new solid-state drives and a fast PC to help.

  Mateo was notified that Clarence, his building captain for Taylor’s building, had been compromised, and that somebody fried his electrical system. Mateo called Lance Evans and asked him to surveil Taylor.

  John was writing when Linda asked him to chat. She told him that somebody had tossed a brick through Craig and Pat’s window, with a note attached calling Craig a fascist. Linda told him that Pat feared Craig was becoming mentally unstable. John disagreed with that assessment, saying that Craig’s views hadn’t changed much over the years, and questioning the idea that those we disagree with have mental problems. Linda admitted that her observations about the society were pushing her more towards John’s point of view. John broached the subject of moving out of the area due to its political radicalization. Linda was open to the idea, and agreed to research other areas.

  Cary and his boss had a conference call with Jared Carlson from the safehouse on Amsterdam Avenue and 89th Street, discussing what he found at Taylor’s building and the sixteen units in Eve’s building that were also under surveillance. Jared had intel that the Municipal Video System in NYC was now using facial recognition functionality, and saving data beyond the two months that were legally mandated. Don suggested that they go after Clarence for a sex-crime beef, and offered to contact Chief Harvey, with whom he had connections. Jared said to compile a list of people arrested for hate speech, and check to see if they were being surveilled in the same manner as Taylor and Eve. Don said he wanted Hector going with Cary for future checks, and he wanted both of them armed.